Legal & Disclaimer

Disclaimer: Use of FYDPs on PEC E-Library

The content available on the PEC E-Library is intended for informational and educational purposes only. PEC and its E-Library assume no responsibility or liability for any damage, loss, or consequences arising directly or indirectly from the use or application of any information contained in the FYDPs available on this platform.

Readers and subscribers are encouraged to exercise their own discretion and judgment when utilizing the information presented in the FYDPs. PEC E-Library does not endorse or guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of any content within the FYDPs.

By accessing and using the PEC E-Library, readers and subscribers acknowledge that they do so at their own accord and consent. PEC E-Library shall not be held responsible for any decision made or action taken based on the information provided in the FYDPs.


Legal Notice: Public Accessibility of FYDPs on PEC E-Library

We inform all the participating Universities and authors that the Final Year Design Projects (FYDPs) uploaded onto the PEC E-Library website are accessible to the benefit of the public at large.

We appreciate the proprietary nature of academic work and respect the intellectual property rights of each university and individual author/s. If, any university or author/s of an FYDP is against making their work public, we request a written notification thereof to the PEC E-Library. Upon receipt of a formal written request expressing objections to public accessibility, we can initiate the removal of the specified material from the PEC E-Library’s database.

Please submit such requests to the Librarian within 30 days of its publishing. Failure to communicate objections within this period will be considered an acknowledgment of the public accessibility of the respective FYDPs.

We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring that the PEC E-Library remains a collaborative space that respects the rights and preferences of all contributors.